Wednesday, 29 October 2014

Personal blogging

I have been reviewing my blog and things in it and wanted to share how where it has been read / opened through the world. Personal blogging is often a labour of love and I dont see many personal blogs survive or continue to develop. That does not mean they are not out there, but it means they are not as popular as they once might have been.

So here are maps and things to share.

Flag counter is great because it shows me the flags of the countries where people have accessed my blog from.
It does break it down further if I pay for it. But I wont, it looks pretty enough for me.

Cluster maps, provides red dot locations which show the place of the visits with the yellow small dots highlighting the most recent visits. This looks more impressive in a small scale as all the dots are closer together!

Current Country Totals
From 11 Jan 2010 to 28 Oct 2014

 Indonesia (ID)16,507
 United States (US)8,563
 Malaysia (MY)3,794
 United Kingdom (GB)3,332
 Australia (AU)3,114
 Singapore (SG)2,708
 India (IN)1,982
 Netherlands (NL)1,263
 Philippines (PH)1,245
 Asia/Pacific Region (AP)1,170
 Canada (CA)979
 Germany (DE)720
 Brunei Darussalam (BN)630
 Saudi Arabia (SA)529
 France (FR)478
 Thailand (TH)448
 Hong Kong (HK)329
 United Arab Emirates (AE)326
 Belgium (BE)318
 Taiwan (TW)303
 Vietnam (VN)303
 Japan (JP)268
 Korea, Republic of (KR)244
 Russian Federation (RU)234
 Pakistan (PK)230
 Italy (IT)216
 New Zealand (NZ)215
 Spain (ES)208
 Sweden (SE)185
 China (CN)182
 Brazil (BR)161
 Europe (EU)145
 Ireland (IE)137
 South Africa (ZA)137
 Turkey (TR)126
 Switzerland (CH)126
 Poland (PL)120
 Portugal (PT)112
 Qatar (QA)111
 Denmark (DK)107
 Norway (NO)94
 Greece (GR)89
 Finland (FI)83
 Israel (IL)76
 Sri Lanka (LK)74
 Romania (RO)74
 Bangladesh (BD)72
 Czech Republic (CZ)65
 Hungary (HU)63
 Mexico (MX)62
 Egypt (EG)59
 Austria (AT)52
 Cambodia (KH)51
 Ukraine (UA)48
 Oman (OM)46
 Bahrain (BH)40
 Croatia (HR)38
 Kuwait (KW)37
 Mauritius (MU)37
 Serbia (RS)37
 Argentina (AR)36
 Slovakia (SK)32
 Slovenia (SI)30
 Colombia (CO)26
 Jordan (JO)24
 Nigeria (NG)24
 Estonia (EE)24
 Lithuania (LT)22
 Morocco (MA)21
 Chile (CL)21
 Bulgaria (BG)20
 Peru (PE)19
 Lao People's Democratic Republic (LA)18
 Maldives (MV)18
 Lebanon (LB)18
 Nepal (NP)17
 Malta (MT)17
 Algeria (DZ)16
 Yemen (YE)14
 Jamaica (JM)13
 Tanzania, United Republic of (TZ)13
 Tunisia (TN)13
 Trinidad and Tobago (TT)13
 Greenland (GL)13
 Kenya (KE)12
 Ecuador (EC)12
 Malawi (MW)12
 Luxembourg (LU)12
 Costa Rica (CR)12
 Mongolia (MN)12
 Iceland (IS)12
 Myanmar (MM)11
 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)11
 Macau (MO)11
 Belarus (BY)10
 Cyprus (CY)10
 Moldova, Republic of (MD)10
 Macedonia (MK)9
 Angola (AO)9
 Sudan (SD)9
 Venezuela (VE)9
 Uganda (UG)9
 Georgia (GE)9
 Kazakstan (KZ)8
 Iraq (IQ)8
 Uruguay (UY)8
 Senegal (SN)7
 Bermuda (BM)7
 Ghana (GH)7
 Puerto Rico (PR)7
 Timor-Leste (TL)7
 Libyan Arab Jamahiriya (LY)7
 Aruba (AW)6
 Albania (AL)6
 Dominican Republic (DO)6
 Latvia (LV)6
 Ethiopia (ET)6
 Guam (GU)5
 Armenia (AM)5
 Barbados (BB)5
 Panama (PA)5
 Zimbabwe (ZW)5
 Fiji (FJ)5
 Iran, Islamic Republic of (IR)5
 Guernsey (GG)5
 Jersey (JE)4
 Azerbaijan (AZ)4
 Cayman Islands (KY)4
 Gabon (GA)4
 Papua New Guinea (PG)4
 Botswana (BW)4
 Afghanistan (AF)4
 Reunion (RE)3
 El Salvador (SV)3
 Rwanda (RW)3
 Montenegro (ME)3
 Paraguay (PY)3
 Mozambique (MZ)3
 Madagascar (MG)2
 Cote D'Ivoire (CI)2
 Bolivia (BO)2
 Zambia (ZM)2
 Honduras (HN)2
 Cameroon (CM)2
 Guyana (GY)2
 Micronesia, Federated States of (FM)2
 Suriname (SR)2
 Guadeloupe (GP)2
 Haiti (HT)2
 Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI)2
 Uzbekistan (UZ)2
 Palestinian Territory (PS)2
 Lesotho (LS)2
 Andorra (AD)2
 Namibia (NA)2
 Guatemala (GT)2
 Antigua and Barbuda (AG)2
 Martinique (MQ)2
 New Caledonia (NC)2
 Faroe Islands (FO)1
 Isle of Man (IM)1
 American Samoa (AS)1
 Samoa (WS)1
 Cook Islands (CK)1
 Palau (PW)1
 Virgin Islands, British (VG)1
 Mauritania (MR)1
 Saint Kitts and Nevis (KN)1
 Turks and Caicos Islands (TC)1
 Bahamas (BS)1
 Syrian Arab Republic (SY)1
 Bhutan (BT)1
 Kyrgyzstan (KG)1
 Monaco (MC)1
 Benin (BJ)1
 Liberia (LR)1
 Togo (TG)1
 Gibraltar (GI)1
 Guinea (GN)1
 Nicaragua (NI)1
 Burkina Faso (BF)1
 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the (CD)

1 visit is enough for me, it is a registered hit.

And these apparently are all the countries or Colonial countries left where I have yet to be read or visited

Well its interesting for me. 

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