Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Motorbike rules on the change in Jakarta

 The city officals are 'cracking down' on motorbike riders amd trying to enforce safety and well maintained bikes. This is a huge step forward and sadly to use another idiom another bridge too far as the motorbike is the most common form of transport and used by rich and poor alike. 
Most bikes are well kept but there are those that dont have helmets, lights and carry a family of 4 on it. The police dont really up hold the law as they know it is almost impossible to enforce as it effects so many poeple.
However I am seeing more bikes with lights on in the day.
In time maybe people will change. But in the housing areas and slums, who can say.

With reference to information from dated 14th December 2009, please find hereunder highlights on Motorcycle User refer to Law of Traffic and Land Transportation No. 22 Year 2009 enacted as from 22nd June 2009, which may be useful for Motorcycle-Holders.

1. Lamp: For motorcycle user who does not turn on the lamp at noon shall be penalized as mention in Article 293 Para. (2) jo Article 107 Para . (2) by imprisonment for a maximum of 15 (fifteen) days and a maximum fine of Rp 100.000,- (one hundred thousand Rupiahs).

1. Lampu: Bagi sepeda motor yang tanpa menyalakan lampu pada siang hari terkena Pasal 293 ayat (2) jo Pasal 107 (2), akan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 15 (lima belas) hari atau denda paling banyak sebesar Rp 100.000,-

2. Standard helmet: For motorcycle user who does not use helmet with qualification of Indonesia National Standard (SNI) shall be penalized as mention in Article 291 Para. (1) jo Article 106 Para . (8) by imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) month and a maximum fine of Rp 250.000,- (two hundred and fifty thousand Rupiahs).  
2. Helem standar: Bagi pengendara sepeda motor yang tidak menggunakan helem Standar Nasional Indonesia (SNI) terkena Pasal 291 ayat (1) jo Pasal 106 ayat (8), akan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1(satu) bulan atau denda paling banyak sebesar Rp 250.000,-

3. Passenger helmet: Whosoever let the passenger not use helmet shall be penalized as mention in Article 291 Para. (2) jo Article 106 Para . (8) by imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) month and a maximum fine of Rp 250.000,- (two hundred and fifty thousand Rupiahs).  
3. Helem penumpang: Membiarkan penumpangnya tidak mengenakan helem terkena pasal 291 ayat (2) jo Pasal 106 ayat (8), akan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) bulan atau denda paling banyak sebesar Rp 250.000,-
4. Load: To carry a passenger more than one without side-carriage is prohibited and shall be penalized as mention in Article 292 jo Article 106 Para . (9) by imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) month and a maximum fine of Rp 250.000,- (two hundred and fifty thousand Rupiahs).  
4. Muatan: Tanpa kereta samping mengangkut penumpang lebih dari satu orang terkena Pasal 292 jo Pasal 106 ayat (9), akan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1 (satu) bulan atau denda paling banyak sebesar Rp 250.000,-
5. Technical conditions and properness: Everyone who does not fulfilled technical conditions and properness consisting of rear view, horn, primary lamp, brake lamp, sign lamp, or light reflection tools, speedometer, muffler, and tire’s condition shall be penalized as mention in Article 285 Para. (1) jo Article 106 Para . (3), and Article 48 Para. (2) & (3) imprisonment for a maximum of 1 (one) month and a maximum fine of Rp 250.000,- (two hundred and fifty thousand Rupiahs).  
5. Persyaratan teknis dan laik jalan: Tidak memenuhi persyaratan teknis dan laik jalan, meliputi: kaca spion, klakson, lampu utama, lampu rem, lampu penunjuk arah, atau alat pemantul cahaya, alat pengukur kecepatan, knalpot dan kedalaman alur ban terkena Pasal 285 ayat (1) jo Pasal 106 ayat (3), dan Pasal 48 ayat (2) dan ayat (3), akan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 1(satu) bulan atau  denda paling banyak sebesar  Rp 250.000.
6. Non-motorcycle user deliberately :
- Holding on motorcycle to be pulled
- Pull any tools which is dangerous for others and/or
- Using motorcycle traffic line, instead of special line/way for non-motorcycle.
Shall be penalized as mention in Article 299 jo Article 122 letter a,b,and c by imprisonment for a maximum of 15 (fifteen) days and  maximum fine of Rp 100.000,- (one hundred thousand Rupiahs).
6. Pengendara kendaraan tidak bermotor dengan sengaja:
- Berpegangan pada kendaraan bermotor untuk ditarik
- Menarik benda-benda yang dapat membahayakan pengguna jalan lain dan atau
- Menggunakan jalur jalan kendaraan bermotor, sedangkan telah disediakan jalur jalan khusus bagi kendaraan tidak bermotor Terkena Pasal 299 jo 122 huruf (a, b, dan c), akan dipidana dengan pidana kurungan paling lama 15 (lima belas) hari atau denda paling banyak sebesar Rp 100.000,-


starkravingsober said...

Well, points for effort. I did spot that Helem = Crash Helmet, which may explain a lot from the 4 times I went through Indo..

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the information. Jakarta is a bustling town, you can find shopping centres and luxury hotels. Most of the people are involved in plantation, they mostly use motorbike taxis and three wheelers for this purpose. Majority of people work in metal shops, small scale factories and vending food. You may find brave people in Kampung Pulo located in the core of Ciliwung as they live happily despite facing flood problem. For more details refer Jakarta Indonesia

Auto Accident Attorney Houston, Texas said...

Hey, the fine charged there is very high.

Unknown said...

Yes the fines are high but they are there as a warning, sadly due to corruption and the lack of will power to enforce the road laws, most of the above gets largely ignored, especially in the suburbs where it is almost impossible to enforce.
250,000 = 25 usd or thereabouts.